Rome2rio establishes a global engineering hub in Richmond, Melbourne, creating 100 jobs over four years
Rome2rio is a travel information and booking engine, helping people get to and from any location in the world. It is the premier travel search engine in Europe and receives up to 17 million visitors per month during peak season.
With a stint at Inspire9 co-working space, Rome2rio is a Melbourne start-up founded in 2010 by two former Microsoft engineers, Dr Michael Cameron and Bernhard Tschirren, that now employs more than 40 staff at its Richmond location.
Looking to expand its offering to Asia and Latin America, the company considered moving to Europe to be closer to its main market and establishing an engineering hub there. However the appeal of Melbourne provided too great a pull.
Rome2rio chose to remain in Melbourne because it offers:
- Access to great talent from world-class universities
- A solid network of meetups and events to meet engineering talent and tech founders for mentoring and knowledge transfer
- A great city and lifestyle
Invest Victoria assisted Rome2rio with business case development that resulted in the project being secured in Melbourne.
The support provided by the Victorian government was very good and they have been instrumental in connecting us with the right people. We are delighted to be headquartered in Victoria and feel a real sense of entrepreneurial buzz around Melbourne at the moment.
Kirsteene Phelan - Acting CEO, Rome2rio
Melbourne is home to incredible technical talent
Kirsteene Phelan - Acting CEO, Rome2rio
Rome2rio has since been aquired by Omio.