The Victorian Government is strengthening Victoria's relationships with Southeast Asian countries and creating increasing investment and trade opportunities between the regions by appointing a new Commissioner for Victoria.

Portrait photo head shot of Ms Naïla Mazzucco - new Commissioner for Victoria Southeast AsiaMinister for Economic Growth Tim Pallas has announced the appointment of Ms Naila Mazzucco as Victoria’s Commissioner to Southeast Asia, bringing significant experience and expertise that will boost the state’s economic activity within the region.

Ms Mazzucco has led multicultural and multigenerational trade, investment, education and consular teams globally, and is coming into the Commissioner role following a tenure as Australia’s Consul-General in Milan and Trade and Investment Commissioner for Italy, Southeast Europe and Israel.

Ms Mazzucco brings a wealth of experience to the role and has previously lived and worked in Asia for more than 12 years. She has worked across government, the multilateral sector and private sectors in Malaysia, Thailand, Japan and the Philippines.

“This is an exciting time to be taking up this role in the fast-growing Southeast Asia region and I look forward to working on the ground in Jakarta to strengthen Victoria’s regional engagement and partnerships, and deepen commercial, education, cultural and whole-of-Victorian Government relationships.” Naila Mazzucco, Southeast Asia Commissioner appointee.

Victoria’s economic relationship with Southeast Asia is stronger than ever, with two-way merchandise trade reaching a record high of more than $27 billion in 2023 and fibre exports to Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines increasing significantly in the same year.

The appointment of the new Commissioner continues the Victorian Government’s engagement with the region as it grows, increasing opportunities for Victorian businesses in the Southeast Asian economy – predicted to be the world’s fourth-largest economy by 2030.

The Victorian Budget 2024/25 provides $7.3 million over two years to boost trade through engagement – strengthening Victoria’s international relationships, supporting Victorian businesses in key global markets and attracting investment into the state.

The Victorian Government Trade and Investment office network is the largest and most effective international network of any Australian state or territory, with Southeast Asia offices in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City and Jakarta, where Ms Mazzucco will begin her post from mid-July 2024.

“Our network of global offices boosts Victoria’s international engagement and raises our profile, attracting investment and driving exports – creating jobs and economic growth in our state." Tim Pallas, Minister for Economic Growth.

Learn more about Southeast Asia’s bilateral relationship with Victoria: