Victorian industry performance



Chart - Victoria's Industry Gross Value Added % Share of Industry 2021-22

Industry performance data

The data provided below offers a snapshot of the key economic indicators driving Victoria’s industries.

This information is designed to give you an understanding of the state's industry dynamics, highlighting both current performance and future potential.

By presenting these metrics, we aim to provide a comprehensive view of the sectors contributing to Victoria's economic landscape, helping guide informed decisions for those looking to engage with the market.

Industries in Victoria by IGVA % of total 2022-23 and Inustry Gross Value Added Chain volume measures 2021-23

Industries in Victoria by revenue 2022-23 and Industry revenue by CAGR 2021-23

Industries in Victoria by employment 12-month average to August 2024 and Industry employment by CAGR 2021-2023

Note:  All IVGA (Industry Gross Value Added) are derived from three-year Average Compound Annual Growth Rate from 2021-23.