The Victorian Government is supporting medical technology startups and scaleups to get their life-saving products into hospitals sooner – with new grants making it easier and more accessible for startups to enter the market.

On 1 July, the Victorian Minister for Jobs and Industry visited Melbourne-based medtech startup Livac to announce the recipients of the government’s Medtech Market Growth Program, with 20 startups or scaleups set to receive a grant of $50,000 to access the services and resources they need to get their products to hospitals and healthcare providers.

The funding is making it easier for medtech startups to determine product value and bridge the gap between the development of products and getting them into hospitals and healthcare services.

The program is backing medtech startup Livac which has created an innovative medical device that helps safely retract the liver during surgery – making the procedure less invasive for patients and reducing trauma to the liver.

We’re also supporting Tournicare, a medtech startupthat has created a new blood pressure monitor which can be used at home, replacing the old wrap around the arm design – changing the lives of thousands of Australians suffering from high blood pressure.

The program is a collaboration between the Australian Medtech Manufacturing Centre and startup agency LaunchVic to increase the number of medtech startups in Victoria and create jobs in the state’s growing medtech sector, which is home to more than 660 companies employing more than 20,000 workers.

Explore the full list of grant recipients by visiting the Launch Victoria website.