Victoria in Future

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Victorian population and households projections to 2051

Released annually, Victoria in Future 2023 (VIF2023) is the official state government projection of the likely future growth of population and households.

It includes trends and projections across all of Victoria in:

  • birth rates
  • life expectancy
  • migration, and
  • living arrangements

It makes projections from 2011 to 2051 for Victoria and the major regions. For Local Government Areas (LGA) and smaller areas (VIFSAs), it covers as far as 2036.

Projections are used by decision makers in government, business and the community to understand the growing and changing population.

Population highlights

  • Victoria has been growing by more than any other Australian state or territory, with the population expected to reach 10.3 million by 2051.
  • It reveals upwards trends in birth rates, life expectancy and migration, and projects that life expectancy will continue to increase.
  • The number of households in Victoria is projected to increase to 4.18 million by 2051.
  • The majority of change will be in Greater Melbourne, which is expected to grow to 8.04 million in 2051.
  • Victoria’s regions are also expected to grow to 2.28 million, with the strongest growth in the three major Regional Centre.
  • LGAs. The regions of Barwon, Central Highlands and Gippsland are projected to account for nearly half of all regional growth.

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Find out more at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

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