The Victorian Government is helping more local researchers pursue innovative medical research projects, with new grants backing world-leading research projects that save lives here in Victoria and around the world.

Victorian Minister for Medical Research visited Sunshine Hospital earlier this week to announce the latest recipients of the Victorian Government’s Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund (VMRAF).

The Government’s investment of $2.9 million through the VMRAF supports early-stage research and fast-tracks research projects to real-world impact – improving the health outcomes of people locally and globally.

Grants of up to $100,000 support early-stage innovative research projects that have the potential for practical application at a later stage, and grants of up to $500,000 will assist researchers in translating their products and practices into clinical or healthcare settings.

Grants have been awarded to 10 projects across eight institutions, including Western Health’s maternal care research team who will run a clinical trial to test an antibiotic for treating Amniotic Fluid Sludge (AFS) – a major contributor to preterm births.

Every year in Australia, 28,000 infants are born preterm which can be an incredibly stressful time for new parents. Thanks to the VMRAF grant, Western Health’s research could help more babies reach full term for a safe and healthy start to their lives.

Since 2017, the VMRAF has invested more than $22 million to advance Victoria’s medical research sector, supporting 123 research projects and fast-tracking results so more patients can receive life-changing treatment.

The Victorian Government’s investment of more than $1 billion in medical research since 2015 has cemented Victoria as a world leader in medical research, with a workforce of more than 30,000 driving incredible breakthroughs in treatment and patient care.

In a further boost to the state’s sector, Victoria recently secured more than 40 per cent of the Commonwealth’s medical research funding for the ninth year in a row – more than any other state.

Learn more about the Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund

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